
To create an account and apply, click on « Register » in the top right.
If you have already applied to a call for projects in the past and would like to re-apply, log in with your credentials and click on "All campaigns".
For any questions, please adresse a request to mitra@univ-lille.fr


Pour créer un profil et postuler, cliquez sur « Register » en haut à droite.

Si vous avez déjà postulé à un appel à projets dans le passé et que vous souhaitez postuler de nouveau, connectez-vous avec vos informations d'identification et cliquez sur "All campaigns".

Pour toute question, contactez-nous sur mitra@univ-lille.fr

*Le formulaire est en anglais mais vous pouvez présenter votre candidature en français.



The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in the context of managing the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees, collects and processes the personal data of some of the candidates. In particular, certain data of the scholarship holders (students and scholars), non-scholarship holders and reserve list candidates is shared with the Agency through the EACEA Mobility Tool and treated according to the following privacy statement.

There is no campaign opened at the moment

You don't have an account yet?

Save time and create one: You will be able to complete your profile and be notified as soon as new campaigns are open for registration.

Already have an account?

You can always access your profile to complete it and see your previous application history.